Natural Weight Loss And Nutrition in Louisville KY

Click this link for an overview of the Ultimate Wellness and Weight Loss System!
This is not a crazy diet or exercise program, no drugs, hormones, or shots. Our clinic is here to help you get the most out of natural weight loss in Louisville KY.
A New Approach to Nutrition in Louisville KY
With the use of our technology, we can find specific biomarkers that are out of normal range and can make a specific nutritional supplement program, in multiple forms, to get your body back in chemical balance and into a natural fat-burning zone. We can find and correct the cause of your weight problem by measuring these factors affecting weight gain including metabolism, fat burning, fat storage, appetite, detoxification, and hormone regulation.
Fat practically melts off your body as you get back to chemical balance and proper function.
If you have Diabetes, you NEED this. If you're tired, you REALLY NEED this! Call the phone number above today if you're ready to have the body you've always wanted. You are going to look and feel great!
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:000pm
Saturday & Sunday
Skye Spine & Injury Center
2107 Weber Ave Ste. 101
Louisville, KY 40205