Is It Just Back Pain in Louisville KY?

Is It Just Back Pain in Louisville KY?

Is It Just Back Pain in Louisville KY?

If you've experienced back pain in Louisville KY, you're not alone—back pain is a prevalent issue. Often, it arises from activities like heavy lifting or strenuous workouts. While muscle strains typically resolve with rest, persistent pain may indicate a more significant problem, such as a spinal disc injury, and seeking help from our Louisville KY chiropractor can be beneficial.

Spinal disc injuries, particularly herniations or degeneration due to conditions like arthritis, can be both common and intensely painful. Understanding the spine's anatomy, especially the role of intervertebral discs, is crucial in comprehending spinal health and potential issues.

Spinal Disc Injury in Louisville KY

Intervertebral discs act as cushions between vertebrae, comprising a cartilage-like structure with a soft gel center and a robust ligamentous wall. These discs absorb shocks, prevent vertebrae friction, and contribute to spine flexibility and strength. When a disc protrudes or bulges, the gel starts pressing against the outer ligamentous wall without tearing it. While nearly 60% of adults may have asymptomatic bulging discs, the situation becomes more severe if the gel tears the outer wall, progressing to a herniated disc.

Bulging or herniated discs can lead to nerve irritation, inflammation, numbness, and intense pain. A ruptured disc, or disc extrusion, is a severe condition where the gel completely breaches the ligamentous wall, resulting in excruciating back pain and severe mobility restrictions.

If you're dealing with disc-related issues, seeking conservative treatment is crucial. Our Louisville KY chiropractic team at Skye Spine & Knee Center is here to help you take the first step toward relief and regain your quality of life. Schedule a consultation today to better understand your condition and explore conservative treatment options.


10:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Skye Spine & Knee Center

2107 Weber Ave Ste. 101
Louisville, KY 40205

(502) 454-4441